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Day 1: Caregivers often feel overwhelmed with responsibilities

Greet the day with an uplifting scripture, message, or prayer. Using a perpetual calendar, a daily devotion book, or journal requires only a minute or two.


Proverbs 12:25 NLT  "Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up."


Family and friends can be encouragers by:

  • being willing and attentive listeners

  • calling or sending messages to say, "thinking about you; can I be of help today?"


For a caregiver, encouraging words and actions bring comfort and support.

Day 2: Care-giving is not easy, sometimes it may seem "more than you can handle."

Hebrews 3:13 NIV "Encourage one another daily."


Caregivers, give yourself permission to feel your feelings, acknowledging stressful interactions. Pause, take time to breathe deeply. Reflect on positive thoughts or verses to reframe the situation. Put on the coffee pot, or tea kettle, and invite someone to share this time with you. Whether alone, with the person who needs care, or a guest, indulging in this activity will re-energize you.


On a personal note, 3:00 pm each day was coffee time for my mother. Although I rarely drank coffee other than my two morning cups, I came to look forward to the daily ritual during the years of caring for her.  Sometimes others shared this time with us, but it was always a time to pause and rest.


Friends or family ideas:  Set aside time for visits with the caregiver. Perhaps take a gift of food, a prepared dish or makings for a meal. Enjoy visiting but offer to help with household tasks.

Day 3: Be organized

Daily routine is easier for you and anyone who might assist you when there is organization.

1 Corinthians 14:40 NIV ". . . Everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way."


Be organized. Make a place for everything according to use. Daily habits or routines give direction for prioritizing the organization. Making a place for supplies according to use saves time and lets you know what items need to be replaced. This can be things needed for personal needs, medicines, meals, and other necessary items.


Being organized makes it easier to respond to a friend or family member who telephones to say, "I'm going grocery shopping. Send me your list." Giving someone a specific thing to do allows them to be supportive in a meaningful way.


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